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Anna Kate Saucier

4th Session Encourager

Anna Kate is from Birmingham, Alabama and works as an ER/trauma nurse. She was a Senior Counselor for two years, Head Counselor of Hut Row for one year, a camp nurse for one year, and now an Encourager for her fifth summer at Camp Skyline!

What are you most looking forward to this summer?

I am most looking forward to reconnecting with returning staff, and mentoring new counselors at the end of a long and joyful summer! I love that part of camp is not just to enrich campers but also staff, and I can be a small part of showing them how the grace and strength of God and his word is so necessary in everyday life, even after camp is over.

If you could be any animal what would you be and why?

If I could be any animal, I would probably want to be a squirrel. Hear me out: an unassuming way to climb trees and people-watch all the time.

What is your favorite Skyline activity?

My favorite skyline activity is ropes!! Cooking and musical theater are special to me too.

What is your favorite Skyline memory?

My favorite camp memory is opening every session when I was a counselor, helping campers and their families move in to the cabin and decorate their bunk. It sets the tone for the whole session to make the cabin feel like home for two weeks!

What is your favorite Camp meal?

My favorite camp meal is blueberry muffins for breakfast.