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Brooke Weatherby

1st Session Encourager

Brooke is from Tuscaloosa, Alabama and is an Elementary School Teacher. Brooke was a camper for twelve years and this will be her ninth year on staff! She was a Junior Counselor one year, Senior Counselor two years, Head Counselor two years, and Summer Admin two years!

What are you most looking forward to this summer?

Meeting all the new staff and forming lasting friendships with the staff and campers.

If you could be any animal what would you be and why?

Dolphin because i would get to live at the beach forever!

What is your favorite Skyline activity?


What is your favorite Skyline memory?

My mom is one of the camp nurses, so she has been to camp with me every year. It’s really sweet getting to share those memories and friendships with her! And finding the horseshoe my age-out year!

What is your favorite Camp meal?

Chicken Alfredo & broccoli