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Lindsey Gallaher

4th Session Encourager

Lindsey is from Chattanooga, Tennessee and is the Director of Communications for a large church. This will be her tenth summer at Camp Skyline! She was a Counselor for one year, Admin for eight years, and now an Encourager!

What are you most looking forward to this summer?

Most excited about hearing the sounds of camp in full swing is such a joy! And harassing Larry.

If you could be any animal what would you be and why?

A Dolphin. I love the ocean!

What is your favorite Skyline activity?

Archery or Ropes

What is your favorite Skyline memory?

The summer of ’09 was challenging for many reasons, but it was also the most fun! I think I laughed the whole time.

What is your favorite Camp meal?

Not really a meal, but Rice Krispy Treats.