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Madison O’Hara

2nd Session Encourager

Madison is from Atlanta, Georgia and currently works in Smyrna, Georgia as a third grade teacher at the Mount Vernon School. This will be her sixth summer on staff at Camp Skyline!

What are you most looking forward to this summer?

I look forward to providing encouragement to counselors in the encouragement circle and spending another summer with my camp friends!! The friends that you make at camp are some of the best friends that you will ever have in your life and I feel blessed that I get to spend some of my summer with them.

If you could be any animal what would you be and why?

If I were an animal I would be a panda. They are gentle creatures that live a lazy life. Seems ideal!

What is your favorite Skyline activity?

My favorite camp activity is CIRCUS!!! or archery

What is your favorite Skyline memory?

I have so many memories at camp skyline it is hard to pick a favorite. Some honorable mentions would be- looking for the horseshoe every session, finding the horseshoe with my bestie, watching the stars from the circus field, late night campfire chats, and Summerplace talent night.

What is your favorite Camp meal?