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Frances Ruth Robinson

Head Counselor

Frances Ruth is from Auburn, Alabama and is in the radiology program at Southern Union Community College. This will be her ninth summer at Camp Skyline, but her third year on staff!

What are you most excited for this summer?

I’m most looking forward to seeing old friends and especially making new ones, I can’t wait to take on the role of being head counselor and see what the Lord has in store for me.

What is your favorite Camp Skyline activity?

My favorite skyline activity is circus!

If you could be any animal, which would you be and why?

If I could be any animal I would be a butterfly because they can fly and their colors are pretty.

What is your favorite Skyline memory?

My favorite skyline memory was my 2nd year as a camper when I met three of my best friends and got honor camper.

What is your favorite Skyline meal?

And my favorite camp meal is chicken surprise.