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Sybil Lee

Junior Counselor

Sybil is from Bainbridge, Georgia and is going into her senior year of high school. This is her fourth year at Camp Skyline but her first year on staff!

A fun fact about Sybil is

I’ve won a state championship in tennis!!

What are you most excited for this summer?

I am most looking forward to eating Sunday donuts!!

If you could be any animal, which would you be and why?

If I could be an animal, I’d be a bunny because I’m calm and energetic, and (hopefully) as funny as the bunny Snowball from The Secret Life of Pets.

What is your favorite book?

Once Upon a Broken Heart

What is your favorite color?


What is your favorite movie?

She’s The Man

What is your go-to meal?

double stuff Oreos