
The Clubs & The Three Cups

Every girl at Skyline is a member of one of three clubs: the Rangers, the Troopers, or the Mounties.

Competition Can Be Good For You

Eloise believed in healthy competition and gave Skyline two main clubs: Mounties and Rangers. In the early days of camp, the oldest girls belonged to the Mounties and Rangers while the younger girls clubs were Kickapoos and Shawnees. Kickapoos became Mounties when they got older and Shawnees, Rangers. Each club had their own color: Mounties were red and Rangers were blue.

In 1964, an old camp in New Orleans closed its doors and many of its campers came to Skyline. As a result, Eloise decided the camp needed a third club and approved the name Troopers. The Troopers took green as their team color and the rest is history.

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Club Membership

Today, the younger clubs no longer exist but everyone is in a club, and once a camper joins a club she will be a Mountie, Ranger, or Trooper forever! There are two different ways to join a club. If a camper’s mother, grandmother, sister, aunt, or cousin went to Skyline she may join the same club they were in. If she doesn’t have a relative that went to Skyline, she will join a club through a drawing on her first Opening Day.

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The Three Cups

Being a part of the Mounties, Rangers, or Troopers is a major part of the Skyline experience. All three clubs compete in friendly competitions throughout the session. The Three Cups, Spirit, Point, and Horse show are awarded on the last night of each session.

  • The Horse Show Cup: The first cup is awarded to the club that has accumulated the most points in the Skyline Horse Show and the Grand Championship.
  • The Point Cup: The second cup goes to the club that has received the most points during competitions throughout the session. There is also a horseshoe hidden each session and the club that finds it receives bonus points. Finding the horseshoe can make or break winning the point cup!
  • The Spirit Cup: The third and most prestigious cup — The Eloise H. Temple Spirit Cup — is awarded to the club showing outstanding spirit. This is the highest honor bestowed at Camp Skyline.