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The information about the application for The Skyline Foundation can be found at The President of The Skyline foundation (and camp mom), Mrs. Frances says that the application is not a quick one to complete. You will need to give yourself plenty of time because a lot of things are involved such as, a W2, a questionnaire, and 3 reference letters. While the application is not a piece of cake, neither is deciding on the scholarship recipients. Mrs. Frances says. “If I could give just half of the kids that apply the opportunity to attend camp I want to. This is such a wonderful opportunity for these kids to become better members of their community. It is not easy to get the scholarship and it is not easy to decide who receives them. “ YOU CAN HELP! You can donate to The Skyline Foundation anytime. This can be done in three ways: through the mail, through paypal, or by buying any of the various items we have for sale to support the foundation. An example of those items are camp bricks, Christmas ornaments, and cook books.