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Happy Saturday parents!! Other than having to say good bye to all our mini campers this morning (and some of them did NOT want to leave), its been another great day up here on the mountain. The weather has been perfect and the campers have been busy working in all their activities. Of course by now, some of them have slowed their tempo down a little bit and theres a good bit of hanging out, making friendship bracelets and a lot of laughing all around camp.

One of the highlights of the day was watching a camper try to build up the courage to go down the zip line in the last period of the day. She was nervous about getting back up on the zip line and this time she made it all the way to the top platform and then got nervous. The counselors stayed there with her for over 15 minutes talking and encouraging her to try it. Now I know what you’re thinking, this is going to end in a feel good moment where everything is all good at the end of the story and the camper zooms down the zip line with a smile thats as big as Texas and all her friends join around her and hoist her in the air as they cary her off on their shoulders. Thats Hollywood. This story has a different ending but it’s still a great moment but from a different, maybe realistic, perspective. After 15 minutes of counselors encouraging the camper, she decided to climb back down the pole and put the zipping off to another day. Some may look at that as she didn’t do it, but if you had seen how much farther she climbed today and how close she was to taking that step off the zip line platform. She was leaps and bounds past where she was the other day and this is a work in progress. Theres still next week for her to keep going and all she has to do it go as far as she already has and then take one more step. And then do it again, and even maybe again. As long as she keeps going as far as she can and then take one more step, she is working towards her goal and eventually she will reach it and start that Texas sized smile! I hope I’m there when she does and if so, you’ll be the next to know about it!

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You can tell everyone has been going strong all week. You remember me warning you guys at home about pacing yourself? Well, some of our campers should have listened to that advice. After a full week of activities rest hour is starting to become a little more of exactly that. As I walk through camp during rest hour, its a lot more quiet in the cabin areas and campers are starting feel the dog days of summer.

So tonights “Movie Night” was a perfect “activity” for everyone to bring their sleeping bag or blanket to the gym to settle down and get comfortable with their popcorn and enjoy tonight showing of “Wonder”. It didn’t take long till everyone was comfortable, laid back and enjoying the movie or the quiet time. We’ll never know.

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With an easier night behind us everyone is now fast asleep (again) but this time they’re in their bunks instead of the gym. And if having an easy night wasn’t enough, tomorrow is Sunday and that means we get to sleep in a little later than normal (thank goodness!!!) and then when we do awake, it will be breakfast of home made doughnuts and eggs, bacon, fruit, bacon, bagels and more bacon (EVERYTHING is better with bacon!). For me, it will be topped off (or started with) several cups of strong coffee and then (after the coffee kicks in and I REALLY wake up) it will be off to Sunday School and our church service in the gym.

After church it will be time for Sunday lunch and then everyone will be gettin’ ready for our big carnival that afternoon. We’ll have giant inflatable slides, and obstacle course, face painting, snow-cones, games and of course a dunk tank for all the campers to take their turns rig to dunk their club leader or favorite admin in the water. It’s gonna be a big time and its a perfect opportunity for great pics so be sure to check back tomorrow afternoon and see all the fun in the sun!

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After all that (as if that isn’t enough for one day), we’ll have our counselor hunt where our counselors will put on their best camp and hide around camp as the campers pair up and set out to turn over every rock and look in every trash can in hopes of finding a counselor they can walk back to the gym and claim points for their club for finding them. Nothing is more fun to watch than a group of counselors doing the “counselor walk of shame” back to the gym to be accounted after they thought they had found the perfect hiding spot.

We’ll be there all day getting all the action for ya so tune back in and we’ll see ya then! (hey! I’m a poet and didn’t know it!! I can make a rhyme anytime!!) You guys get some sleep, you’re half way there and hopefully still going strong. I know after a quiet night your campers will hit the next week going strong so you guys better do what ya gotta do to keep up! (I recommend more coffee!)

Y’all have a great night and I’ll see ya tomorrow