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Christmas Tradition: Going to my grandmother’s house to have Christmas Day dinner! All my family and cousins are there and we just have a great time enjoying yummy food and each others company.

Oh and can’t forget watching 24 hours of A Christmas Story on repeat with my brother!

Christmas Movie: Christmas Vacation hands down! It is like a huge running joke in my family and we have to watch it over and over every year. The Griswalds, what a family!

Also can’t forget The Grinch! Growing up all my family used to say I looked just like Cindy Lou Who in the movie…minus the crazy hair!

Christmas Song:

“Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas” (Frank Sinatra version of course) It just makes me feel so festive and happy every time I hear it.

Christmas Food:

Give me all the dressing! I’m also a big fan of deviled eggs and sweet potato casserole.

Christmas Memory:

When I was younger my extended family, who I never get to see, all got together at my grandparents’ house and did “White Elephant”. Everybody brought a gag gift and we all sat around in a circle and drew numbers to see who would go first. We laughed until we cried, such sweet memories!

Memorable Gift:

My mom and dad gave me a golf cart for Christmas, but I had no idea I was getting it until I checked my stocking. They had stuck the key in my stocking and I had to look out the window to see what it was. What a surprise!

What are your Christmas favorites? Let us know by screenshooting the template on our Instagram story and sharing it to your page. Don’t forget to tag us!