
On this extra special Tuesday Bitsy, our newest camp dog, took over our social media! Now typically we do an interview with the people who takeover, but seeing how Bitsy is a dog we decided an interview was out of the question. Instead we’ll tell you a little bit about everyone’s favorite miniature golden retriever and what her role is at camp.

This past summer was Bitsy’s first at Camp Skyline. Skyline was not ready for all of the cuteness she brought and socks she stole (are we surprised that Sock War was her favorite activity)! She spent her days going from campers to counselors to everyone in between being loved and doted on. While Bitsy is a shameless attention seeker she also does a great job at loving others. Last summer she could often be found with Mrs. Frances, our camp mom, as they both comforted homesick campers. It’s proven that animals can provide a social support that decreases stress and helps people feel more relaxed. And that’s exactly what Bitsy and our other camp animals do during the summer. They play hard while working hard to ensure our campers are happy and having fun. After a long day of socialization Bitsy would find Mr. Bob, our night watch man, and set up post with him because a camp dog’s day is never done!

Now that everyone is gone Bitsy spends her days in the office working hard to prepare for next summer. She can’t wait for camp to start so she can see all of her old friends and meet new faces, too!

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