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As a camper here at Skyline, I really grew in my relationship with Christ by watching and listening to my counselors talk about their relationships with Christ. I learned so much from morning watches, campfires, and talks afterwards. Each talk is different and obviously some talks stick with you more so than others. But I was always able to take away something. The same was true when I was a counselor and hearing my fellow staff members give campfires talking about what Jesus was teaching them through the daily themes. It’s still true now even as an Admin and listening to counselors give campfires and hearing what they have to say in our small groups.

I love how God’s word cannot be put in a box. Even with the same message and passage, we can relate in such different ways. I learn so much by hearing what others think and take away from God’s word. Even after creating this summer’s theme, Bloom, our head counselors and admin personalized each day’s theme to teach me something new, or remind me of a truth.

One of my favorite days we talked about was sunlight. Ruth did a great jobat morning watch utilizing how sunflowers follow the path of the sun to help demonstrate how we as Christians are supposed to follow the Son, Jesus. I specifically loved how Ruth made a point to mention that sunflowers anticipate the rising of the sun, and even on cloudy days when the sun can’t physically be seen, they know it’s there and still turn their faces towards it. What a great reminder that even when we can’t physically see or “feel” Jesus, we know that he is always there to guide our steps and to bless our ways, if we continue to follow Him.

Ella also did such a great job with her flower analogy at campfire that same day. A characteristic of light, is that it reveals what was hiding in the darkness Ephesians 5:13. When we look at Jesus, He shines truth on the lies that the world tells us.

I’m grateful for staff that is willing to maybe go outside their comfort zone to share what the Lord has been teaching them, and I’m grateful for a God who is gracious enough to let us participate in sharing in His good news!

“How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace, who brings good news of happiness, who publishes salvation, who says to Zion, ‘Your God reigns.’” -Isaiah 52:7