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HAPPY NEW YEAR Skyline Family!! I hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas and have begun 2022 with a bang!

New Year’s Eve with my family was filled with food, games and laughter. We actually brought back one of the games we haven’t played in a while……bombardi. You may know this game as dodge ball. After we shoot fireworks at midnight, Larry does this for all of us, not as good as fourth of July but still worth the watch, we head to the gym for bombardi. This usually lasts at least an hour where we have parents v. kids, kids v. kids, adults v. adults etc. I think you get the picture. We also had a game of “Larry says.” This is similar to Simon says but very fast paced.

We also started New Years off with another bang, SNOW! On January 3rd., early that morning, we received 8 inches of SNOW!! I mean you can’t start off the new year better than that! Of course this is coming from someone who loves snow and playing in it. We got dressed and headed out to play with Ivy, Lola Kate, Paige and her family and my family. Ski clothes and sleds came out and so did the 4-wheeler to pull everyone on the sled. We made snow angels (Yes, that is me making a snow angel) and a very small snowman that didn’t quite make it through the fun that day.

We are now back in the office and ready to finish up home shows and counselor recruiting. We have hit the ground running and hope to see y’all while we are on the road!



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Looking into camp from the old Highway 117 bridge.