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Alumnae Catherine Shook is from Atlanta, GA and most recently lives in Brooklyn, NY. She was a camper for 5 years and a counselor for 5 years actually going from Trooper Captain to Hot Box Head within her tenure. She has a very cool job as a TV and film Scout for Sister. Catherine is also an accomplished author who I had the pleasure of interviewing.

What is your favorite Skyline memory?

My favorite memory was being head of Hot Box with Katie Baumberger. We went to rival high schools and were JCs together. When Brennan (Admin) asked me if I would consider being a head my first question was who would be head with me. When she said Katie I immediately said yes. And we have been friends ever since!

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What makes Skyline special to you?

What makes Skyline special is the people. It’s so great just being a girl at an all-girls camp. It’s freeing and enriching.

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What life skills did you learn at camp?

The life skills I learned being a head counselor were interpersonal skills such as conflict management and communication. This helps me to manage people in my job today. And when you are in charge of children the stakes are very high so these skills are very important.

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How has our mission statement, “Enriching young girls in God, relationships and self.”, affected your life?

The mission statement has definitely affected me in building lifelong friendships.