
Becca Thompson Grogan

Becca Thompson Grogan is originally from Opelika, AL and now resides in Jefferson, GA. She works in the education field and is currently an Assistant Principal. Becca has been a part of our Camp Skyline family for the past 19 years as a counselor, Head counselor (also head of Waterfront, Ropes and Tower), was on the 2003-2005 admin team, is a mom of a current camper, and now back as a summer admin. Even her husband worked at camp once upon a time! She recently came to our “Recharge” retreat for our 2022 counselors and will be an active Skyline Hero. A Skyline Hero gets to walk with our counselors through college and life. They are a former counselor or camper that is or has been in the “real” world. A currrent counselor is paired with a Camp Skyline Alumnae in their field of study and the hero relationship begins. But more information to come on our Heroes later!

We love Becca’s desire to serve and to be involved in camp in some capacity. I had the privilege to spend time with Becca and interview her this past January. You’ll be entertained by her answers below…

What makes Skyline special to you?

I have 5 good camp friends that I still keep in touch with today. We’ve been in each others weddings, we have children close to the same ages, we’ve battled life together, and supported one through cancer treatments. These friendships hold a special place in my heart and I may not have met them if it wasn’t for Skyline.

What is your favorite camp memory?

During Counselor Hunt, we hid in the dunking booth in our bathing suits and when campers came by we had straws we could breathe out of under water. We got found but we still laugh about it to this day.

What life skills did you learn at camp?

Working as a team is such an important skill and what this really means is learning how you are more successful together than by yourself. I’ve learned that when you have a disagreement you come together not just for yourself but for the whole group. This helps with classroom management, collaboration, problem solving, thinking outside the box, creating a positive classroom community and how to get along with different personality types. You’re not just living these skills at camp but leading them too. Each session your “classroom” changes so you better be ready.

How has Skyline’s mission statement, “Enriching young girls in God, relationships and self”, impacted your life?

I grew in my faith. Having small groups where we had a bible study during the summer gave me time to grow as well as to pour into others. Today I still do bible study groups within my community.

As a Skyline Hero, what advise do you give college students interested in your field?

Follow your passion of education. Mentor and pour into families so your students can grow to become successful citizens.

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