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Hello again parents! This is Ivy and Frances writing the blog together. Can you believe it’s the last blog of 1st session?! The last day of activities was full of final circus tricks, last crafts made, final adjustments on dance routines and the horse show. All the girls in horseback riding participated in a horse show where they were judged on their riding skills they learned this session. Three of the top riders will get to ride tomorrow in our grand horse show.

After lunch the rain finally came that we needed. We got to spend a little extra time in our cabin during fourth period and by beli deli time the sun was shinning again. Activities for the day ended with splashes in the pool and zipping down the zip line. As Larry prepared for dinner in the dining hall, Sally was preparing for dinner for our age outs. This is a special night for just age out campers to celebrate their last year as a camper.

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After dinner the age outs hosted the cabaret as Taylor Swift eras. Performances were spectacular by classes that worked all session on routines such as gymnastics, cheerleading, dance, and advanced gymnastics. After all the performing art classes, musical theater put on a show called Princesses Adventure. This was a play about a camper in a dream singing songs about being brave and learning life skills. They had the crowd involved with fun sing alongs. And our Taylor Swift Age Out Eras kept the night alive with a Swift dance party.

We ended our night at campfire where two of our counselors talked about Noah and how he was faithful to God. It’s always a special way to end the night as we sing songs together and we go off to bed with thankful hearts for such a special place like Skyline.

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Tomorrow will be filled with our Grand Champion Show, our Circus show, and plenty of time to pack. We will end the night with awards where all the girls receive patches and our final dinner, banquet, where we sit with our clubs and we find out who wins the Eloise H. Temple Spirit cup. And don’t forget to check your email for more information about our check out procedures for Friday!

So run along and jump into bed, say your prayers and cover your head. This very same thing I say unto you, you dream of Skyline and I dream of youuuuuu!

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