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Happy Friday to ya parents!! (I had to look at my watch to make sure what day it is if that gives you any indication of what it’s like up here during camp!) Now I know most of y’all already knew it was Friday today, but during camp time today was referred to as “DANCE NIGHT”!! Thats all we heard all day as I was walking around the classes. Even the girls in our CSR class were reluctant to spend 5th period washing their caving gear (it needed it very badly….lots of mud) after yesterdays cave trip. Seems they were all worried about getting mud or dirt on their legs as we hosed everything off. Amazing how the introduction of a boys camp coming over to dance tonight can throw a wrench into your whole days plans, or at least try to…… we washed the gear! More on the dance later, first lets talk about today.

Today was the last day of classes for our mini campers since they’ll all be heading home Saturday morning. Its been great to have them all here this week watching them in all their activities and then follow their counselor to the next activity like a family of little ducklings. Today they got to play water balloon tennis (really??? the one day we don’t have rain and they play waterballon tennis????) Oh well, they loved it and there’s something about hitting a waterballon as hard as you can with a tennis racket on a bright sunny day that just seems to make everyone around laugh. They also got in their last rides on their favorite horses today and I saw lots of smiles going around and around the horse rings, The kids and counselors were smiling too! (lets see how many of y’all get that…)

The rest of the campers were enjoying the sun as well as this really seemed like the first day without any rain at some point during the day. Was great to watch the campers on the circus and ropes course with a bright blue background instead of a gray soggy one. I’m sure your daughters didn’t mind the sunny weather too much either since they didn’t have to worry about any rain messing up their hair before the big dance tonight.

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And now speaking about the dance… we go. After a brief hiatus from dancing over the last couple years, everyone was especially excited about getting back to apparently what is a camper favorite, the dance with the boys camp, Camp Laney. Our girls spent a lot of the day decorating the tennis courts with sidewalk chalk so the boys would get off the bus and be welcomed to a mural of chalk art on their way to the tennis courts.

As all the campers made their way from the dining hall out to the tennis courts for some dancing under the stars, you could hear a roar of a cheer as you could smell the cloud of axe body spray….um…. I mean see the buses rolling down the road and pulling into camp. Either way, the boys were here and it was time to dance and have a great night.

Of course with tonights theme of “Luau”, there were inflatable palm trees, over head lights, strings of flowers everywhere just to give camp a little Hawaiian theme. Im guessing it worked cause everyone danced from the time they got off the bus till the time they groaned about having to get back on the bus and head back to their camp.

I know one thing for sure about tonight, they all had a blast and were wound up! Before I came in to write tonights blog I had to go work in the ropes shed to get our ropes and gear ready for another out of camp trip tomorrow. Now our ropes shed and the cabins are a mere 100-130 feet away from each other but as soon as I stepped out of my truck you could hear every cabin in hut row still up and about and full of energy. I’m happy to report to you that by the time I finished getting all the gear ready and went to get back in my truck it had indeed quieted down and it looked and sounded like everyone was fast asleep (dreaming of the dance they just had I’m sure)

Either way, as long as they’re getting some rest and ready to go tomorrow it’ll al be good. Our first Saturday of the session looks to be another beautiful day so everyone should be back having fun in the sun. While were talking about tomorrow, the CSR class will be making another out of camp trip this time to some local cliffs to practice their ups and downs on rope. They’ve been working extra hard to get where they needed to be to do this safely and I’m excited to see how they do tomorrow on the real rock face. I’ll try to get some pics for ya while were out there and get them up tomorrow night!

If your daughters think they burned a lot of energy today, just wait until tomorrow night. Were playing everyones favorite fast paced, wacky relay game of Speed Challenge. This will be for club points so everyone will be all decked out in their club colors and full of spirit and they compete against each other in some of the craziest relays you’ve ever seen. I’ll have more details tomorrow cause it’ll take awhile to try and explain everything your gonna see in the pics and on the daily video.

Well, if the campers need sleep to get ready for tomorrow, just imagine how I feel. So I think I’m gonna head on off and start stockpiling some ZZZZ’s so I can try to keep up with everyone. You guys have a great weekend and I ll see ya tomorrow night