
Join us as we use SOAPS to go through the book of James. This Monday Ivy, our Daytime Activity Director, started us off by sharing what she learned from James 1:19-27. On Wednesday Libby,our Summerplace Head Counselor, shared her takeaway from James 2:1-13. We encourage you and your Skyline gal to join along and do your very own SOAPS as we go through James every Monday and Wednesday of the coming weeks.

Check out Ivy’s takeaway from James 1:19-27. She calls us to really listen to God and do His will. And to do that we have to recognize what keeps us from listening to God, whether it’s doubt, social media or friends! What’s keeping you from listening to God? Ivy challenges us to abandon those things so we can fully listen to Him.

Libby focused on two different parts of Chapter 2, James 2:8 and James 2:12-13. Check out her SOAPS video to find out her takeaway from them!

We are so excited to share these SOAPS as we go through James! Want to learn more about the book of James? Check out this handy video from the Bible Project. Stay tuned for next week as we go through James 2:14-26 on Monday and James 3:1-12 on Wednesday. Remember that the final ‘S’ in SOAPS stands for Share, so make sure you’re sharing with a family member or friend!

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